Who We Help
We diagnose and treat a variety of orthopaedic conditions that may result from repetitive strain, overuse strain, postural strain, sports injuries, work related injuries, and motor vehicle accidents.
Neck pain is a common source of disability among Canadians, especially in women. Burning-like pain, numbness and/or weakness into the shoulder blades, arms and hands is common. Other symptoms may include headaches, jaw pain and acute pain into the ear. Most neck pain sufferers have repeated flare ups and remissions and never really have full resolution of the problem. Neck pain can be effectively treated if the cause of the problem is identified
- Do you have a hard time turning your head left or right?
- Does your neck hurt if you’re looking down at your tablet or laptop for too long?
- Do you suffer from headaches at the back of the head, behind the eyes, across the forehead or just on one side?
- Do you have burning pain into the shoulder blades or on the shoulder ridges?
- Do you experience heaviness in the arm(s) that comes and goes?
- Do you experience numbness in the arms or hand?
- Does your neck hurt when driving or checking your blind spot?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, you are most likely suffering from mechanical neck pain or a pinched nerve in the neck.
Do no wait to see a physiotherapist if you are experiencing 8/10 constant neck pain and/or numbness and tingling of one or both arms.
For articles related to neck pain, cervicogenic headaches and migraine headaches please visit:
- All you need to Know about Pain between the Shoulder Blades
- Headache Pain at the Back of my Head
- Do you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning because your back is stiff and sore?
- Do you ever feel like you’re not quite standing up straight?
- Or you have trouble getting up from a chair or couch?
- Do you have back pain after prolonged sitting at the desk or in the car?
- Do you avoid certain activities because your back will ‘pay for it’ the following day?
- Does your back pain change from day to day? Ie. Good days and bad days? Do you experience feelings of heaviness in the leg?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, you are most likely suffering from mechanical low back pain. Mechanical lower back pain simply means there are movements and postures that are aggravating your pain and there are other movements and postures that can alleviate it and solve your problem.
For further information on lower back pain and sciatica pain please visit the following links:
- Sciatica
- Sitting Healthier to help with Lower back Pain
- Does your knee feel like it’s locked and needs to ‘crack’?
- Do your knees hurt when you squat down or sit crossed-legged?
- Have you been told you have a ‘Frozen Shoulder’?
- Have you been diagnosed with ‘Rotator Cuff Tendinitis’?
- Have you been diagnosed with ‘Plantar Fasciitis’?
- Have you been diagnosed with ‘Tennis Elbow’, Golfer’s Elbow’, or ‘Carpal Tunnel Syndrome’?
The following conditions result from repetitive strain, overuse strain, postural strain, sports injuries, work related injuries, and motor vehicle accidents.
- Whiplash Tension
- Headaches
- Pinched Nerve
- Thoracic Outlet
- Syndrome Rotator
- Cuff Tendinitis
- Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- De Quervain’s Syndrome|
- Disc Herniation or bulge Degenerative Disc Disease
- Sciatica
- Hip Bursitis
- Knee Osteoarthritis
- Patellar Femoral Syndrome
- Jumper’s Knee
- ITB Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Hammer Toes