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Who We Help

We have helped hundreds of people with severe lower back, neck and shoulder pain. We have helped people that are just looking to be pain-free while they exercise. Whatever your mobility and wellness goals are, we have the treatment plan just for you.

We diagnose and treat a variety of orthopaedic conditions that may result from repetitive strain, overuse strain, postural strain, sports injuries, work related injuries, and motor vehicle accidents.

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Neck Pain

Lower Back Pain

Tennis Elbow Pain

Hip Pain

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Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common source of disability among Canadians, especially in women. Burning-like pain, numbness and/or weakness into the shoulder blades, arms and hands is common. Other symptoms may include headaches, jaw pain and acute pain into the ear. Most neck pain sufferers have repeated flare ups and remissions and never really have full resolution of the problem. Neck pain can be effectively treated if the cause of the problem is identified

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, you are most likely suffering from mechanical neck pain or a pinched nerve in the neck.

Do no wait to see a physiotherapist if you are experiencing 8/10 constant neck pain and/or numbness and tingling of one or both arms.

For articles related to neck pain, cervicogenic headaches and migraine headaches please visit:

  • All you need to Know about Pain between the Shoulder Blades
  • Headache Pain at the Back of my Head
Lower back pain: Disc Herniation, Sciatica, Lumbago
Low back pain is among the most common problem affecting 4 out of 5 Canadians at any point in their lives. Low back pain can have a fast or gradual onset and can often cause leg pain, leg weakness and leg numbness. The successful treatment of back pain always involves identifying the cause of the problem.

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, you are most likely suffering from mechanical low back pain. Mechanical lower back pain simply means there are movements and postures that are aggravating your pain and there are other movements and postures that can alleviate it and solve your problem. 

For further information on lower back pain and sciatica pain please visit the following links:

  • Sciatica
  • Sitting Healthier to help with Lower back Pain
Side stretching exercises have been known to alleviate some mild muscle spasm from sports.
Child’s Pose stretching is helpful for mild tightness in the lower back however should be discontinued if the mild tightness becomes worse.
Extremity Pain: Rotator Cuff Disease, Tennis Elbow, Golfers Elbow, Plantar Fasciitis, Bursitis, Jumper's Knee
Extremity pain is pain anywhere in the body aside from the neck and back. Quite often, pain in the hips or knees after the age of 45 is blamed either on the weather or on early-onset arthritis. Thankfully, these reasons are usually not the case. Acute and chronic joint and muscle pain may occur as a result of repetitive stress from our daily activities that accumulate over time.
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above, you are most likely experiencing an overload of repetitive stress on the joint and surrounding muscles. A timely examination is key to resolving these issues.

The following conditions result from repetitive strain, overuse strain, postural strain, sports injuries, work related injuries, and motor vehicle accidents. 

Ready to fix your Back Pain? Make an Appointment Today.

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