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Don’t let pain hold you back – Experience the benefits of our affordable physiotherapy tune-up sessions!

Are you looking for a way to stay on top of your physiotherapy treatments without breaking the bank? Look no further than our physiotherapy clinic’s 25-minute tune-up sessions! For just $35, you can receive a targeted and efficient physiotherapy session that’s perfect for those who want to save their insurance benefits for more extensive treatments.
Our experienced therapists will work with you to identify your specific needs and provide a personalised treatment plan to help you get the most out of your 25-minute session. Our tune-up sessions are designed to address minor aches, pains, and strains before they become bigger issues. By taking advantage of this affordable and convenient option, you can maintain your physical well-being and prevent more serious injuries from occurring down the road.
Don’t let concerns about insurance coverage hold you back from taking care of your body. Our 25-minute tune-up sessions are a cost-effective way to keep your physiotherapy on track and stay ahead of any potential issues.

Book your session today and experience the benefits of regular physiotherapy without the worry of high costs!

Your MechPhysio stretch for the weekend is:
The Hip Flexor Stretch!
Stretching your hip flexors regularly can provide many benefits, including:
  • Improved posture: Tight hip flexors can pull your pelvis forward, causing your lower back to arch and your upper body to lean forward. Stretching your hip flexors can help correct this posture and alleviate lower back pain.
  • Increased range of motion: Tight hip flexors can limit your ability to move your hips freely, which can affect your ability to perform exercises such as squats or lunges. By stretching your hip flexors, you can increase your range of motion and improve your overall flexibility.
  • Reduced risk of injury: Tight hip flexors can put extra stress on your knees, hips, and lower back, which can increase your risk of injury. Stretching your hip flexors can help reduce this stress and lower your risk of injury during exercise.
  • Improved athletic performance: Many sports require strong, mobile hip flexors, such as running, jumping, and kicking. By stretching your hip flexors, you can improve your athletic performance and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Alleviated lower back pain: Tight hip flexors can contribute to lower back pain, and stretching them can help alleviate this pain by releasing tension in the hips and lower back muscles.

Overall, stretching your hip flexors can improve your mobility, reduce your risk of injury, and alleviate pain, making it a beneficial practice for anyone looking to improve their overall health and fitness.
Begin by kneeling on the floor with both knees hip-width apart and your toes pointing down towards the ground.
  1. Take a step forward with one foot so that your knee is directly above your ankle, and your thigh is parallel to the ground. Your other leg should still be kneeling on the ground.

  2. Keep your torso upright and engage your core muscles to stabilise your lower back. Place your hands on your hips, or on your front knee for extra support.
3. Keep your torso upright and engage your core muscles to stabilise your lower back. Place your hands on your hips, or on your front knee for extra support.

4. Shift your weight forward slightly until you feel a stretch in the hip flexor of your back leg. You should feel a gentle pull in the front of your hip.
5. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds, breathing deeply and maintaining good posture.

6. Release the stretch slowly and step back with your front foot to return to the starting position.

7. Repeat on the other side by stepping forward with the opposite foot.
Tips & Tricks
  • If you feel any discomfort in your knee or hip, adjust the position of your front foot so that your knee is directly above your ankle.
  • Don’t lean forward or arch your lower back during the stretch. Keep your core engaged to maintain good posture.
  • If you want to deepen the stretch, you can raise your arms above your head or place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • You can also try variations of the stretch, such as twisting your torso to the side or adding a gentle pelvic tilt to target different muscles.
Remember to listen to your body and only stretch to the point of mild discomfort. If you have any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any new exercises.